duminică, 20 noiembrie 2016

reality check!

Tocmai m-am intors din vacanta in Noua Caledonie. 3 saptamani de vacanta, soare, mare, nisip alb, palmieri, vetsul salbatic caledonian, rodeo, Insula Pinilor, snorkeling, botez de plonjare, piete colorate, inotat cu testoase si "dolce far niente".
Ca intotdeauna, am cunoscut oameni minunati pe drum!

O sa revin cu o relatare amanuntita a calatoriei spre si in Noua Caledonie care sper ca va fi utila tuturor celor gata de aventura! Pentru ca, da, Marea Caledonie este in primul rand o mare aventura, mai ales pentru o calatoare solo.

Deocamdata fac fata socului termic si decalajului orar asa cum pot : o baie fierbinte, o carte buna, pijamale de iarna si o patura!

I've just came back from my holidays in New Caledonia. 3 weeks of holidays, sun, sea, white sand, palm trees, the Caledonian wild west, rodeo, the Island of Pines, snorkeling, dive, colorful markets, swimming with the turtles and "dolce far niente".

I will come back with details, step by step, of my trip to New Caledonia. I hope this will be useful for everyone who wants to hop in this adventure. Because, yes, first of all NC is first of all a rad adventure, especially for solo travelers.

For the moment, I'm just coping as well as I can with the thermal shock and the jet lag : a hot bath, a great book, winter p-jas and a blanket!

Plaja de la Anse Vata/Anse Vata beach 

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